09 Apr Meet Ana


(In her own words)

Hey! I’m Ana from Romania and moved to Berlin almost 7 years ago after coming here to visit and falling in love with the  “poor but sexy” attitude of Berlin City.

Hi Anna, how did you become a part of Forde Fitness?

I was very excited when I first heard about Barry’s plan to create Forde Fitness so it was a no brainer to participate. I remember that the first session was an early Sunday, I was tired and cold but after a few minutes of sweating I felt way better, fresh and full of energy. Since that time I didn’t missed too many training sessions and even now, after almost 1 year, I always have the same feeling.

What did Barry do for you as a trainer?

I remember meeting Barry at the gym I had recently subscribed. I was surprised by his positive energy and the passion,  he always explains everything in detail and makes sure all exercises are done correctly. We had a small chat after the class and I decided to ask him to be my personal trainer. A life changing decision!

What is the difference between a personal trainer session and participating personalized group training at Forde Fitness?

Personal training sessions are great! You get full attention and support of your trainer. You are being pushed, helped and animated contantly. At Forde Fitness there is another benefit! You get the energy from the other participants and during the breaks between sets you get to laugh, dance and have fun.

How did you family and friends react after ‘transforming yourself’ by making the decision to start a healthier and happier lifestyle?

My parents always wanted me to do sports but I was always the “couch potato” type so I didn’t really care much about gyms, trainings or any type of sports. I never touched a dumbbell or a corebag before meeting Barry. Regular sports activities were never on my schedule.

In September last year, 7 months since I started training with Barry and less than 3 months with Forde Fitness i went for a trip to Romania to visit my family. When they saw me they immediately noticed, that my body changed and my general mood was very positive. It was a huge surprise for them, they felt very proud of me and ever since encourage me to keep going on. My friends noticed that I felt and looked different. I started spreading good vibe so everyone is still complimenting me about my change of lifestyle decision.

After signing up for the 90 day challenge how did it improve your life overall?

After traveling for a while during the winter holidays, eating bad and not being able to train I started gaining some weight and my general state of mind was decreased. So the 90 Days Challenge felt like a fresh start to improve the quality of my life. The community gives me the motivation I need to focus. My nutrition changed. Training is now a part of my daily life again and I am more focused. There are just so many good changes that impact me on a daily basis! I get a lot of compliments from friends and colleagues and that feels quiet good :)!

What would you say to some one that is thinking about trying out Forde Fitness?

Go for it!  Is probably one of the best decisions that you can make on the journey to be happier with yourself! Training and trying to reach you goals together makes us stronger!

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